Application Forms
Telecommunication Licence Applications
Frequency Authorisation Applications
Other Applications/Guidelines
For the processing of Import Licence applications, please ensure that all portions of the first page have been completed and refer to the guidelines as stipulated below:
- The description of goods must include the equipment’s full specifications (i.e. Make and model number).
- This will assist the department in its research to ensure that the equipment can be approved for importation.
- A copy of the equipment specifications should accompany the application.
- This will ensure the efficient processing of the application.
- The equipment stated on the import must correspond with the information shown on the accompanying invoice.
- The reason for importation (new, replacement, or addition) must be indicated in writing to the Secretariat, upon submission of the application.
- This will confirm whether the intended user is an existing licensee. If they are not an existing licensee, they must apply to become regularized before the equipment can be released into their custody.
- If the applicant is an existing licensee, they must be in good standing (i.e. have no outstanding debts and or issues with the agency) for the application to be progressed.
- Submit soft copy to the Telecommunications Agency via Import Application Form
Note: All equipment (especially RF equipment) must be vetted by the Agency prior to importation since some models may not be authorized for use in Guyana. Individuals/companies are advised to consult the Agency prior to applying for importation. Failure to do so may result in the application being declined or delayed.